Latest Episodes
Ai_026 - The Scam of Open AI
A very unique dynamic occurs with generative AI. LLM companies are scraping the internet for millions of works belonging to other people, photos, videos...
Ai_025 - Bullsh.t and Breakthroughs
Today we explore the deluge of announcements from both OpenAi and Google. With a plethora of Ai features dropping at Google I/O And Chat...
Ai_024 - CASCDR
"We're basically at a fork in the road. I think that there's a good chance we go the wrong way and you end up...
Ai_023 - The Promise of Personal AI
How close are we to realizing the dream of personal AI? Dive into the potential of small, efficient AI models that enhance our self-awareness...
Ai_022 - Applying Ai
How can AI be harnessed to manage and enhance personal and professional digital interactions more effectively? In this episode of "AI Unchained," explore the...
Ai_021 - Ai Hardware & the Next Wave
In today's episode of AI Unchained we dive into a plethora of new developments in Ai tailored hardware, the scope of what leaps in...